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Apprenticeship at Home

June 10, 20243 min read

The Importance of Apprenticeship at Home

Hey Six Summers Crew,

As we navigate the journey of fatherhood, one critical aspect we often overlook is the role we play in preparing our teenagers for the world beyond our homes. An old saying goes, "Parents are a child's first teachers and their most influential role models." This couldn’t be truer, especially when it comes to the concept of apprenticeship and teaching.

What is Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship, by definition, is

"a system of training a new generation of practitioners through on-the-job training and often some accompanying study."

But beyond this formal definition, apprenticeship in the home means guiding our teens through practical life skills, instilling values, and preparing them for independence.

The Role of Fathers in Apprenticeship

As fathers, we are uniquely positioned to be the leaders and teachers our children need. Our guidance can shape their character, work ethic, and approach to life’s challenges. Here’s why and how we can embrace this role:

Practical Skills and Knowledge: Teach your teens essential skills such as managing finances, basic home maintenance, cooking, and car care. These practical lessons are invaluable as they prepare to leave home and live independently.

Work Ethic and Responsibility: Engage your teens in family projects or encourage them to take part/full-time jobs. This teaches them the value of hard work, responsibility, and time management.

Emotional Intelligence and Communication: Foster open communication and emotional expression. Teach them how to handle conflicts, build relationships, and navigate social situations with empathy and confidence. Check out the conversations on the Six Summers Platform.

Value of Education and Lifelong Learning: Encourage a love for learning by involving them in your interests or helping them explore their own. Whether it’s through books, online courses, or practical experiences, show them that learning doesn’t stop with school.

A Father's Guide to Apprenticeship

Here are some practical steps to start your apprenticeship journey at home:

Set an Example: Your actions speak louder than words. Demonstrate the behaviors and values you wish to instill in your children.

Engage in Joint Activities: Work on home projects together, cook meals as a family, or take on new hobbies. These shared experiences are not only educational but also strengthen your bond.

Provide Constructive Feedback: Encourage your teens to take on challenges and provide supportive feedback but also challenge where it is needed. Help them learn from their mistakes and celebrate their successes.

Mentorship and Support: Be their mentor in both successes and failures. Offer guidance, listen to their concerns, and provide a safe space for them to express themselves. Connecting them with a mentor apart from you is essential for growth as they will learn new perspectives outside of the family.

Encourage Independence: Gradually give them more responsibilities and the freedom to make decisions. This helps build their confidence and prepares them for life beyond your home.

The Impact of Your Leadership

Your role as a father extends far beyond providing for your family; it includes shaping your children’s future through active mentorship and teaching. By embracing apprenticeship at home, you equip your teens with the tools to navigate life’s challenges confidently and competently.

Six Summers: Building a Community for Apprenticeship

To aid in this apprenticeship process, consider joining Six Summers, a community dedicated to empowering fathers in mentoring their teens. Through shared experiences, resources, and support, we can collectively ensure our children are well-prepared for the future.

Remember, the most important classroom is our home, and the most influential teacher is you.

Always for you,

Jeremie Kubicek

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Jeremie Kubicek

Jeremie Kubicek is a global speaker and Wall Street Journal best selling author of Making Your Leadership Come Alive, The Peace Index and co-author of the 5 Voices, 5 Gears and The 100X Leader. He is a serial entrepreneur and intentional father of three adults (Addison, Will and Kate) and married to Kelly. They live in OKC in their developed community, the Prairie at Post.

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